Monday, April 6, 2009


Dia:Beacon is a beautiful gallery and I loved that I recognized just about every artist in there. I really enjoyed seeing the works of artists I've studied in Conceptual Art like Richard Serra and Sol LeWitt. Their pieces, especially Richard Serra's, are meant to be experienced and not just seen in pictures. Serra's work was so amazing; walking through his sculptures was being on a roller-coaster. They were dizzying and exciting and a little scary at the same time. I also liked seeing works by artists I've researched for projects like Dan Flavin and Agnes Martin.
My favorite was probably "Mapping the Studio I" by Bruce Nauman. The dim coloring of the video and the sounds and grainy quality changed the mood of the entire room, and sitting on the chairs in the center of the room made you feel like you were in the video. I also really loved Robert Smithson's "Map of Broken Glass." It was beautiful and intriguing yet dangerous, as it was compromised of broken glass. Because it was so captivated I wanted to touch it and dig through it even though it would be painful and would piss off the curators. I guess that's kind of a strange reaction but it was a strange piece.

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